I'm finally getting into the groove of being mother to two girls under the age of one.. if there is such thing as a 'groove'. :)
For anyone who doesn't know, Lacie - who wasn't actually due until December 20 - tried her very best to come extremely early. I started having problems with preterm labor at 28 weeks, and was sentenced to modified bedrest, haha.. If you've ever been on any kind of bedrest, you'll completely understand why I say 'sentenced'. Most boring time of my life!!!!! Hahaha. :) Of course it was worth it. Lacie was in no way ready to be born at the time.
Six weeks later, on November 14, 2011, our beautiful little Lacie Jane was born - 10 months to the day after her sweet big sister, Sadie, was born; less than 24 hours after her Florida cousin, Wesley, was born. Lacie was just anxious to get in on the action!! She weighed in at a whopping 5 lbs, 11 oz - far bigger than they thought for 34 weeks and 6 days! She stayed in the NICU for 7 days, which was very difficult. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing but great things to say about all of the nurses, but the whole experience was, in a word - heartbreaking. To be sitting in the hospital for 2 days with no baby next to you and to go home with an empty carseat.. it just felt like I was in the hospital for an illness. All the memories of Sadie's first week that make me smile, I don't have with Lacie. I hate that. :( You never think about these things until you're in that position, I guess. It's no fun. But, she's healthy! :D That's what matters!
So now we are a week from Sadie's first birthday!! Lots of house cleaning to do and decorations to make. :D I'll be posting lots of projects and birthday pics in the next couple weeks. :) Have a great night everyone!