Monday, September 26, 2011

Our Total Money Makeover :)

A couple Christmases ago, my dad bought me the book The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. I did start reading it then, but at the time I had no children - or even any plans to have children in the near future - so I didn't understand how much it could really impact my life.

Josh and I are probably much like most American families our age - bills to pay, debt we aren't thrilled about being in, and never quite enough money at the end of the month.. Wondering where the money actually goes. With baby number two due to arrive in 10-12 weeks, I am MORE than ready to get my butt in gear!! I started reading the book again and I am so excited about getting to a better place financially. :) For those of you who aren't familiar with this book - GET IT!! Buy it, get it on your Kindle, scour the library for it, borrow it, whatever - just read this book. For me to tell anyone to read a book is saying something, as I not only dislike reading, I pretty well despise it. Trust me when I tell you that this book is worth it. It gives you a step-by-step plan to become totally debt-free, rack up an emergency fund, and build wealth. We have finally figured out that it doesn't matter how much Josh gets every paycheck - if we don't know how to spend and save wisely, we will always be broke.

We are officially starting our total money makeover - our budget is made, our Debt Snowball is making it's first rotation, and I am truly excited about it. :) Hoping someone out there reading this is as ready to be financially free as I am!!

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